Uncle Michael Talk-Talk on Youth Ministry and YWAP in BSGC

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I have been asking myself lately "what's a ministry?"

Do we use it to define working for the Lord? And only for working for God?

How do you define Ministry?

What's the differences between "a function", "a lifestyle" and "a ministry"?

What is the one thing that qualifies you to be in a "ministry"? - that one is already adopting the function as a lifestyle? that one has talents/giftings in a particular function and as such, are given the opportunities to practice it as a lifestyle are called to the "ministry"?

What is a "Full Time Worker" of the Lord? Why is it always refered to as "going into full time ministry" when one person opts to forgo "the world" and work for God "full time"?

Questions, questions, questions....


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