Uncle Michael Talk-Talk on Youth Ministry and YWAP in BSGC

Monday, November 14, 2005


Have you ever been ready just to give up - especially when it comes to serving the Lord. You’ve learned about Him, given your heart to Him, then stepped out either to share the Lord with someone or in some kind of ministry and nothing seems to be going right.

You are ready to throw in the towel and say "I’ve had enough."

Timothy is obviously upset about how things are going in Ephesus. In his second letter, the Apostle Paul encourages him in several ways:

  • Have a clear conscience (vs 3) that you are doing the right thing just as those who came before me.

  • (vs 4) I want you to think about us being together - filled with joy

  • (vs 5) You are a true believer (no matter what anyone says) and don’t forget those that came before you in that faith.

  • Don’t let discouragement drown out the Spirit (vs 6)

  • (vs 8) Don’t think of your situation as punishment but as an opportunity to suffer for Jesus with me.

  • (vs 9) Because it’s not yours to decide what happens - everything is happening according to what the God you serve wants to happen.

  • (vs 10) Remember that Jesus overcame every obstacle that faces you.

  • (vs 11-12) And also know that the work you are doing is for Him and will stand in Him – there are no wasted effort.

  • No matter what anyone says: don’t let go of what I shared with you in how to be a good pastor and help heal your flock (vs 13-14)

  • (vs 15-18) I too have felt deserted like you - but although there are some who cause harm, there are also those who bring comfort – even as I am giving you comfort.

  • Chapter 2: Remember your place (you are a soldier) and remind your people of the truth

  • Chapter 3: Realize the times and the flesh of men, what they are capable of - but know that God will rescue you from them all.

  • Chapter 4: Be Ready - no matter what: preach the Word, keep your head, and come comfort me soon!

Conclusions to 2Timothy Chapter 1

  • Don’t be ashamed of suffering - it doesn’t mean you are a bad person, but following in the footsteps of the patriarch’s, of the Apostles, of Timothy, and of Jesus Himself. You know whom you have believed!

  • Is there a spiritual gift that has died down in your life? Let the Spirit fan it again into flame.

  • Are you going through tough times? Seek out others who you know have also experienced pain for prayer and fellowship. And if you have gone through stuff in your life - be open to sharing about it so that when others experience similar things they know who to turn to.

  • Review who you are, where you’ve come from, and where you are going! Then rejoice - its going to be okay.


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