Uncle Michael Talk-Talk on Youth Ministry and YWAP in BSGC

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Today our car celebrated her 100,000km! What a milestone!! We praise God that she is still in the pink of health with no major symptoms/causes for concerns.

Could the reason be luck? after all, it's a Proton (the national car project) and it has its fair share of criticism and supported by historical statisticsof breakdowns.... :)

Or could the reason be regular preventive maintenance? and care? I don't know really - I am not a "car-person" myself and we hardly do much "care" but just following the recommended maintenance schedule.

I would like to think that it is a combination of multiple reasons - from regular care, regular preventive maintenance, careful use by owner/driver(s), careful environment, etc.. (what about the possibility/existence of luck? - will tackle this on another time)

What about us? Physical Health - Are we in the pink of health as we celebrate our life milestone. Nowadays, age is no barrier to major diseases - we need regular care, conduct regular preventive "maintenance", go for regular checks, careful use of the body (no substance abuse like alcohol and smoking/drugs) , do regular exercises, etc...

What about our spiritual health? have we been doing regular care? regular preventive maintenance? regular exercises? regular talks with God? regular quiet time with God? still on the right track?

What about family health?

As we arrive at our milestones - what are our reasons to celebrate? Good Physical health? Good Mental Health? Good Spiritual Health? Good Family Health?


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