Uncle Michael Talk-Talk on Youth Ministry and YWAP in BSGC

Thursday, May 18, 2006

1st Quarter 2006 Over

Well...time flies when you are having fun....

For me, time flew by also because of work ...but all in all, a mixture of fun, work and sweat..... no tears needed to be shed although it was a tough period for me at work but the cool dudes at yw@p and bsgc was my backup batteries.

Already totally running on flat batteries - God worked thru the youths to push me through!

I seriously know how exactly I survived 1st Quarter of 2006 but for the strength of God, the laughter of the youths and the support from me wifey - I guessed that's how I pulled thru!

I also proudly declare that I survived my first quarter in the youth ministry! Never thought that at my age and with my commitments and workload, I would be able to work on Yw@p but as God has it planned out... yw@p turned out to be a ministry TO me!!!


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